Get Rich Quick! - No Such Thing

We are bombarded by millions (seriously) of Internet ads promising get rich quick schemes..."I make $5000 a day", "Join now and never work again", "I'm rich and you can be too!"...the list is endless. Apart from the promise of eternal wealth for doing almost nothing these sites ALL have one thing in common; they ask you for money!

Only one word describes these sites...SCAM! They basically fall into two categories:

1. They tell you how to make money online by joining affiliate programs, online surveys, pay per click programs etc (all of the information they give can actually be found online for free and even then you will not get rich)


2. They tell you to become THEIR affiliate by selling their scheme to others for which you will get a slice of the payment (basically a pyramid scheme). And do you really think you get paid?

Unless you can come up with a cure for cancer or invent a source of free energy or win the lottery, the chances of most people becoming rich overnight are almost zero.

If you know anything about google AdWords you will know that people will pay a lot of money to get their sites seen on google so that people will click on them and ultimately pay to get their "so called" get rich schemes. If you are in any doubt, just type in 'money' or 'make money' into google and see how many sponsored links their are. Last time I checked there were 83. Not only that but there were almost 1 billion results (non sponsored). What does that tell you? Well, the simple answer is that there are a lot of people out there who are trying to take advantage of your desire to make money online. And that is just from Google - goodness knows what the results are for all the other search engines such as Yahoo or MSN.

There is one simple rule of thumb when it comes to making money online and that is..

If you have to pay, it's a scam

It's quite simple really. Just follow that one rule and for the most part you should be fine.

I am not suggesting that if something is free then by definition it must be genuine, merely advising you that when it comes to making money via the Internet (unless you are a genuine business with your own website), if it costs you money, you are being had.

So the next time you are tempted by that professional looking website which promises that it IS genuine and that all other offers are fake but then goes on to ask you for money before revealing its secrets, remember this...

When was the last time you saw Donald Trump or Sir Alan Sugar offering you a guaranteed method to get rich quick? Do you really think that anyone who GENUINELY became rich doing this sort of thing, would sell their secrets so that thousands of other people could do the same and reduce their market?

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